We support
Your company

Our practical experience, knowledge and know-how will help you not to get lost in #uncharted territory .

Crisis Management
Analysis & Consulting

DatenBrand GmbH is a spin-off of BitFriends GmbH. With an extended team, DatenBrand supports customers before, during and after IT crises. In the many years of we have experienced and overcome numerous crises with and for customers of different sizes. With DatenBrand we would like to focus on the requirements of customers in the SME environment, who do not have the IT support in manpower and budget like corporations. Below you will find our offer for a reliable, affordable and guaranteed emergency support as well as for accompanying services which help to prevent or at least mitigate a crisis in advance.

1.0 Crisis Management

All the world is justifiably talking, albeit in the wrong terms, about "cyber dangers" in #uncharted territory. But not only one, in any case comparatively rare, targeted attack can lead your company into a crisis.

Vulnerable infrastructure and processes, inadequate documentation of assets, employees or service providers leaving the company, or simply the common accident in the form of natural hazards are taken far less seriously and are often just as threatening. Some projects are actually time-critical and not only in theory, but cannot be realized in the conventional way.

With our expertise and our partner network we support you proactively or reactively on an effective but above all pragmatic way out of your crisis.

1.1 Emergency Management

An emergency can be triggered by a wide variety of events. What they all have in common is that the house is literally on fire.

Contact person in case of emergency

Contact person in case of emergency

DatenBrand is your central point of contact in the event of an emergency, if required 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Coordinator in a crisis

Coordinator in a crisis

In an emergency it is difficult to keep a cool head. Everyone (employees, customers, service providers, etc.) want to know at the same time what is going on and how to proceed. We support you in this task.

Additional resource

Additional resource

We are another resource you can rely on in an emergency. With our distinctive hands-on mentality, we tackle wherever we are needed, in close coordination with you.

Your assets documented externally

Your assets documented externally

In an emergency, urgently needed documentation may also be affected or not immediately available. DatenBrand offers you secure storage of this data. In the event of an emergency, you gain access to this data and we can effectively support you in analysis, assessment and damage repair from the very first minute.

Well prepared together

Well prepared together

We prepare you for an emergency and ensure that a possible emergency is dealt with as quickly as possible.

Respond today:


For 90% of companies, data protection is business-critical


Only 12% of companies have specific emergency plans that they continuously review


80% of SLAs in IT contracts do not meet business requirements


100% of the reports in the area of IT security distort the picture of the actual situation


- SelfAssement or Audit
- Inventory of processes and assets

Regular updates

- Change management
- Living documentation

Creating awareness

- Assessment of risks
- Training of behaviors

= be prepared

- Emergency planning
- Test disaster concept


- Response (as agreed)
- Secure communication

Cool head thanks to preparation

- Planned approach according to concept

Joint management of the crisis

- Proposals for implementation
- Specialist service providers in the network
- Support in crisis communication

The DatenBrand way

1.2 Project Taskforce

Due to their structures or motivation, many IT service providers are not in a position to take an unconventional look at projects that are actually impossible in terms of time, to implement an initially pragmatic solution and then, if necessary, to iteratively transfer it to the target image.

Where others shake their heads, we step into the breach. We provide all our services accordingly, even under challenging conditions in terms of time and content.

You have a (time)critical IT requirement and receive only rejections in response to your requests to IT service providers, feel free to contact us and we will look into our magic book together.

1.3 Interim Management

IT is the backbone of most companies. All the more problematic when a key IT person drops out unplanned.

DatenBrand supports you in the various challenges that arise, e.g. the continuation of projects, the tendering of new positions or the examination of alternative strategies.

Likewise, we complete, as a temporary project manager in your company, our consulting portfolio and support you in the concrete implementation of the jointly defined goals.

2.0 Analysis & Consulting

Due to its expertise in a wide range of areas, DatenBrand is your perfect sparring partner when it comes to analyzing and advising on existing or new IT solutions, or for general audits of different areas of your IT.

IT Due Diligence

In many cases, IT is also an integral part of corporate processes outside of pure technology companies. In the course of financing, capital raising or M&A, the question often arises as to how resilient this pillar is or what future financial challenges are hidden behind it. We provide support in analyzing and evaluating the existing IT environment, digitally mapped processes, product ideas, or envisioned strategies. In addition, we are your partner for the consolidation or fusion of IT landscapes when merging companies.

IT requirements management, solution and vendor selection

When choosing the right solutions for your company, several factors need to be considered. It is important to involve all stakeholders and bridge the gap between business and technology to meet requirements from both areas. An important consideration when choosing suitable software is the decision between "make or buy", i.e. between buying a ready-made solution or developing one individually. In addition, the exit strategy should be clarified, especially with regard to the accessibility and exportability of the company data. Finally, you should also check the software provider's suitable service level agreement during the selection process.

IT system architecture, performance & failure analysis

We offer analysis, consulting and optimization for IT architectures, regardless of whether they are on-premise hybrid or cloud solutions. A suitable architecture is the foundation of operational and data security and also provides cost savings, better flexibility and agility even with changing requirements. To perform a complex performance and fault analysis, creativity, experience and knowledge of relevant monitoring and tools are required.

IT Security Analysis, Hardening, Awareness, Training

In the field of IT security, it is important to view your own environment with a healthy dose of paranoia and to look at it from the attacker's perspective. Creativity in identifying and securing potential entry points is also important. However, the key is to take a pragmatic approach to create an environment that is both secure, does not restrict business and is also affordable. In order to evaluate a suitable security architecture, it is necessary to know the existence and avoidability of risks and to determine what the "crown jewels" are in the company. A holistic approach that takes technology and users into account is essential. Finally, regular simulations such as penetration tests and phishing attacks help to obtain a realistic picture of the company's current state to obtain.

IT Resilience, Disaster and Recovery Management

A resilient IT environment requires not only written procedures, but also technically functioning and tested emergency processes. It is also important that communication processes, such as reporting and escalation chains, are reviewed and tested. For processes to recover systems and data, the required times and dependencies, such as the necessary network bandwidth, storage and back-up performance, must be known and tested. Alternatives must be available for how data can be transferred and restored in an emergency. In the event of a hardware failure alternative hardware must be available in a timely manner. A disaster operation "in the cloud" is another option to replace disrupted IT systems. It is essential to document all assets initially and continuously in such a way, that access to this information is ensured in the event of a major operational is guaranteed.

Cloud Cost Optimization, FinOps

FinOps and cost optimization in cloud operations are a continuous process, as things are always changing. To operate efficiently and cost-effectively, it is important to regularly clean up pre-existing legacy issues that may have been transferred to the cloud through a "lift and shift" migration. An important aspect of cost optimization is the verification of load behavior with regard to the correct "sizing" of resources. Services that are not needed outside of "office hours" can be temporarily switched off or established as "on demand" processes. An alternative may also be to use native cloud services and/or SaaS services instead of "just migrating services to the cloud as a VM". For longer-term services, it is also worth booking "Commitments" to achieve cost advantages. It is important to create awareness among all parties involved - also in the business - that every minute and every process that is executed also incurs corresponding costs. By paying attention to these aspects, one can achieve efficient and cost-effective use of cloud resources.

Process and Application Security

IT security is not a matter that ends only in the infrastructure or user awareness. It is equally important to look at the processes and applications in detail. Often, the necessary patch management is only available at a basic level and, in the best cases, relates to components such as operating system updates. The entire software chain is is rarely taken into consideration. In many cases, the processes are also designed as single points of failure (SPOF) and are not fail-safe. Ultimately, conflicts of interest, where functionality and convenience take precedence over safety, create further problems.

IT Project Management

If you are looking for PowerPoint artists, you are in the wrong place. We are also no good as high level task pushers who play politics in the steering committee. If you need expert links between business and technology for ongoing or planned projects in the environment of the DatenBrand portfolio, we are happy to join the team and score points for you.

3.0 Digitalization

In addition to our extensive portfolio in the area of analysis and consulting, we also provide concrete technical implementations in selected areas. These are not shown exclusively below, but reflect our core competence in day-to-day business.

Development of Software & Tools incls. Low / No-Code

DatenBrand GmbH is a spin-off of BitFriends GmbH. Together with the BitFriends team, we optionally take over the individual conception, development, maintenance and operation of software solutions, depending on the requirements. Whether you want to map complex business processes with us or just automate simple tasks, with our expertise in both traditional software development and the use of low / no-code frameworks, we serve you from the appropriate toolbox.

Monitoring (Processes, Applications, Systems)

You have relevant business processes and correspondingly critical IT infrastructure, is this also monitored accordingly? How are baselines and threshold values based on them determined, or what about escalation management? Monitoring can be done by anyone, but the trick is to collect the right data and inform the contact person, if possible, before a malfunction occurs. The right balance between purely condition-based monitoring and supplementary key figures must also be maintained.


Whether on-premise, hybrid, cloud, multicloud or hyperscaler. DatenBrand is your partner to define the right architecture for you. In our own operating environment and at our customers, we design, support and operate everything from small containers to geo-redundant multicloud environments. As the conductor, we naturally rely on smart orchestration tools, but also manage the bare-metal installation effortlessly if required.

Move2Cloud (or back)

DatenBrand supports you in the optimal transition from your local IT infrastructure to the cloud. From architecture to cost optimization to dded value". For example. "Lift and Shift" can be the beginning but never the end of a transformation of on-premises IT to the cloud. We meet extended availability or compliance requirements with selective on-premise services.

Device Rollouts (large scale)

You want or need to replace a large number of e.g. desktops/laptops or other infrastructure? DatenBrand can support you in optimizing this exchange, including in the areas of automation, user involvement in the project (change management), cost optimization.

Why DatenBrand?

DatenBrand is not "yet another" IT service provider, but offers you much more as an additional resource:

  • An independent expertise as a second opinion
  • An external review of your IT systems
  • An experienced interim project manager for your IT projects
  • A central point of contact in case of emergencies
  • Support in solving complex IT challenges, where classic IT service providers reach their limits.

... to name just a few

We are glad to hear that, we are happy to support you in reviewing your current solutions and contingency plans as another instance.

We charge for our services based on the effort and time required to solve your individual problems. Each customer has their own requirements and challenges, which mean a different effort even for similar services. In addition, the effort required can vary depending on the industry, size of the company, and complexity of the process. We work closely with you to understand your requirements and find a solution that meets your needs and budget.

First of all, we would like to emphasize that we have years of resilient experience in the field of our services.

We have already successfully implemented numerous projects and can therefore draw on a broad range of expertise.

In individual areas, we also work closely with partners who support us as needed and strengthen us in terms of content and personnel.

Finally, we would like to convince you of our capabilities and our commitment. Finally, we would like to convince you of our abilities and our commitment. For this purpose, we cordially invite you to an introductory meeting, in which we can give you an understanding of our working methods and our competence. We are sure that after this interview you will be convinced of our capabilities and will place your trust in us.

When it comes to IT security, tasks that are due should not be postponed. Continuous improvement is easier to implement and manage than radical change. A "big bang" change is harder to manage and often requires more resources and time. Instead, start today with small steps and ensure you are making steady progress. Getting to know us first can help you find the right path. Don't delay, act now!

About us

Together we look at customers and projects from different perspectives and thus bring the best solutions for you. We are a team of experienced IT experts specializing in IT security, IT strategy and IT management. We are convinced that we can create real added value for you with our services. We look forward to hearing from you!

Silvio Escher
Founder / Managing Director

Silvio is a Palatine by choice and has been working independently in the IT industry for 26 years (1997). Initially many years in the field of IT architecture and system operation of secure and highly available environments, later as a consultant and project manager for demanding e-commerce implementations.

Due to his own activity as an entrepreneur, he follows a pragmatic and cost-oriented approach but without compromising on quality and adequate safety.

Kai Thiedt
Founder / Managing Director

Kai is based in Northern Germany and has more than 18 years (since 2005) of professional experience in the IT industry. From the basis in IT infrastructure and technical support, to leading positions in IT infrastructure, IT service management and finally into IT strategy, Consulting & Architecture.

In addition to his professional activities in international companies and corporations with a focus on logistics and pharmaceuticals, he has always been involved in various IT projects outside the usual business area, thus and thereby acquired a broader process knowledge.